School Evaluation Summary

29 Apr

This assignment had each of us assessing technology implementation and policies in our own institutions.

This assignment was rather challenging, in that I had to really dig to find some of the information!   I felt that this assessment came at just the right time, as my school is getting ready to plan and focus on next year.

There were a few areas that surprised me, but I felt that I had a pretty good handle of where my school would emerge.  We are a bit behind where I wish we were, but I could identify areas of strength as well. I really gained an appreciation for the infrastructures that were in place already, as improving technology integration depends heavily on what is available to you, particularly when it comes to internet access.

I learned that my school needs to take a more formal approach to technology planning. We depend heavily on the school division to make decisions that affect us on the site level.  My analysis demonstrated that we need to be far more engaged in that decision-making process.  Our unique K-12 situation requires strategic planning that takes advantage of that fact.  We have the opportunity to develop technology literacy very early in our students’ lives and continue to build upon them throughout their educational careers.  I do not feel we have fully taken advantage of this yet, but the possibilities have become far more apparent to me through this assignment. We also have different technology needs because we are a K-12 school.  It does not make sense to adopt school-wide technology or programs, if they will not suit the needs of all of our students and staff.  I think that we have not made that mistake, but we have not advanced either.  I think that we have proceeded rather cautiously when it comes to technology integration, but we’re ready to take the next step. Strategic planning and budgeting will be key components for moving our school along the integration continuum.

I also recognize that our school needs more on-site technological support.  Ideally, this would come in the form of a dedicated IT support person, but I do not feel that our school has the budget for such a person.  I believe that some of the gaps in this support will likely need to be filled internally, which is one of the reasons I am studying right now. I recognize the need for technology integration into curriculum and instruction and I want to hone my skills to best assist my students.  However, I have already noticed more of my colleagues coming to me for technology tips and advice as well. As my own practice improves and my colleagues see the positive impact technology can have with student engagement and achievement, I expect this trend to continue and I welcome it!  I am optimistic that the skills and exposure I am receiving through my education here will positively impact my school.  That is the most fundamental reason for my studies, as I want to assist my students and colleagues to embrace technology and find meaningful integration so powerful that the current teaching practices change and student achievement and engagement soar.

I believe this assignment helped me find the starting block.  I am very excited to see how my school can flourish once some of the weaknesses that were exposed through this assessment have been strengthened.


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